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Lourdes Catholic School has a Parent Teacher Council (PTC) made up of five parent couples. The PTC is the liaison between the school administration and staff with larger parent body. They also coordinate annual fundraisers, parent service hours, and some student activities. If you have questions or have any suggestions, please feel free to send an e-mail to      Events: Annual Fall Kermesse; Christmas Posada for Students; Annual Raffle; Bingo   Service Hours: Lourdes Catholic School requires each family to do 30 hours of service to the school community.      Research has shown that parent involvement in their child's school benefits students greatly!

PRESIDENTS: Heidy and Cesar Torres
SECRETARIES: Vanessa Theo Ramirez
TREASURERS:  Marcela and Rodrigo Buelna
VICE PRESIDENTS: Birza and Oliver Maya




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