The Campus Ministry Team is composed of Mrs. Maritza Mayer and Sr. Graciela. High School Students can volunteer to be on the team. There are five major areas that our activities cover.
The Campus ministry team prepares the environment for all school liturgical Celebrations including these special events:
- The commissioning of teachers and students done at the end of the first Eucharistic Celebration at the beginning of the year
- Facilitate the exchange of blessings by the pre-school children and the seniors in the garden
- Campus Ministry prepares the Blessing of the Garden and the Blessing of Animals for the Feast of St. Francis
- The celebration of All Saints in which each class studies a saint and makes a shrine to be presented during the entrance procession to the Eucharistic Liturgy
- Prepare for the Kindergarten celebration of Thanksgiving in the garden.
- Penance Services for Advent and Lent during which the Jesuits who serve our school community are available to hear the confessions of all the students and teachers
- Prepare for the feasts of the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Epiphany celebration with three students who dress as Kings carry in gifts for the entrance procession of the Eucharist. At the end of the celebration there is a blessing of chalk and the teachers with their students bless their own classrooms for the new year
- The service of Ashes for the beginning of Lent along with the distribution of the Rice Bowls for Lenten collections for the poor
- A Lenten evening outdoor service Stations of the Cross in which students are the actors
- Eastertide celebration of the Stations of Light
- Misa de los Padres de Familia
- Assist with preparations for Graduation
At the beginning of each school year, the Campus Ministry Team with the assistance of one of the Jesuits, prepares and leads a retreat for the entire Lourdes Staff. They also prepare and lead retreats for each class on themes special to that class for example:
Third Grade: First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Eighth Grade: Transitioning to a new phase
Freshmen: The journey through High School
Sophomores: In the Footsteps of Jesus
Juniors: The Care of Creation
Seniors: Preparing for Life
The Campus Ministry Team supervises the thirty service hours each students is required to do every year. The service opportunities include:
helping at school with whatever is needed by teachers and staff
working in the school garden (for which we received a National Award)
working at the animal shelter
working at the fire station
working at the hospital
working at the orphanage
The high school students as a class do various service projects for the community. They have helped finish art work at Las Lagunas de Anza, a historic site in Nogales, They have helped prepare a water feature at a local ranch dedicated to conservation, and they help clean up the State Park at Lake Patagonia after a holiday.
The Kino Teens are a group of high school students who, with the guidance of Campus Ministry, assist the Jesuit Mission of Kino Border Initiative. Their activities include:
- helping to prepare and serve a meal to the migrants
- collecting clothes and food items for the migrants
- attending to a booth at local fiestas and diocesan events to sell Credo bracelets, Hearts for Justice and Angel of Mercy earrings, pendants and pins
- Traveling to Tucson to do advocacy for Immigrants and the Dream Act at the offices of politicians
- Traveling to other schools to do presentations on immigration issues and their work at KBI
- Re-enacting the arrival of Padre Kino at a local fiesta and as Mary, Joseph and an angel at the Posada on the Border
- In the summer Kino Teens help put on a three day immersion experience for students from other places.
- Hosting other schools that come to learn about border issues
- Presenting the work of Lourdes Catholic School and Kino Border Initiative at the Diocesan Youth Fest for young people from all over the diocese. This year their presentation was on Padre Kino and they presented in both Spanish and English
Campus Ministry trains students from all the classes to lead prayer for the entire school on Wednesday mornings over the speaker system. During Lent we have the chapel open at noon and encourage students to spend some time in personal prayer.
Every January as we are considering the call of the first disciples in the Sunday Liturgy Campus Ministry puts on a Vocations Fair inviting priests and sisters to come and talk about the various forms of religious and priestly life. We also have a series of videos on Priestly Life, Religious Life, Married and Single life that are shown to all the high School classes during this week.